Tips for DIY Bathroom Plumbing Repairs and Upgrades
3 min read
Plumbing work that involves pipes, valves and fixtures requires careful evaluation of skill level and project complexity as well as compliance with local codes and safety considerations.
DIYers can complete many smaller plumbing tasks themselves. Larger remodeling and renovation projects should be handled by professionals; here are some tips to help you decide whether you can or should take on this project yourself.
1. Know Your Limits
Do-it-yourselfers often enjoy the satisfaction of successfully completing home repair or upgrade projects themselves, yet it is essential to know when it’s time to call in professional help. Affordability, budgetary constraints and potential code violations must all be taken into consideration before embarking on DIY endeavors.
An experienced plumber has years of training and experience under their belt and will know exactly how to tackle various problems and issues that arise in a building or property. Without their guidance and oversight, mistakes could happen leading to costly damage or even safety risks that are easily avoidable with expert knowledge.
An untreated leak in your pipes could quickly escalate to become an expensive plumbing disaster, leading to wasted water and energy usage, mold growth and costly repairs or replacements.
2. Don’t Forget the Tools
DIY bathroom plumbing projects offer cost savings and an overwhelming sense of achievement, not to mention learning experiences, flexibility and control over your project.
However, it’s important to recognize your limits and recognize that not all plumbing issues can be solved DIY style. Installations or tasks requiring permits or which violate local regulations should be left up to professional plumbers for repair.
Every homeowner should possess basic plumbing tools, including a plunger, adjustable wrenches, basin wrenches and screwdrivers. Other tools that may prove helpful for plumbing tasks include closet augers for toilet clogs and pipe snakes for bathtub drains as well as shop vacs – which may come in handy during larger cleanup jobs!
Plumbing supply lines connect homes to their water heater and fixtures, while drainage systems transport waste away from these fixtures into sewer or septic systems. Copper, PEX, and PVC are among the materials most frequently used for these lines.
3. Plan Ahead
Understanding plumbing basics gives homeowners the ability to undertake various small bathroom projects on their own, however complex installations, major repairs or tasks requiring permits and local regulations should be left for professionals.
If you’re installing a new toilet, for example, make sure that you consider how it will be vented. There may be opportunities to run new vent lines through the ceiling or tie into an existing vent on the same floor; or run new drain lines under your sink while checking that its flange remains undamaged.
One common misstep when installing drainage systems is forgetting to include a trap in the drainage system. Traps are essential in stopping sewer gas odors from wafting throughout your home, yet they’re often forgotten about and quickly fixed once remembered. To prevent such errors from recurring, spend some time planning each task thoroughly prior to beginning work on any task.
4. Stay Safe
DIY bathroom upgrades and repairs can be hazardous if undertaken without taking precautionary steps, so always abide by safety protocols when undertaking DIY bathroom upgrades and repairs yourself. This includes knowing where each fixture’s water shutoff valves are located as well as where the main water line enters your home. Furthermore, wear sturdy work gloves to protect your hands as well as protective glasses or goggles to block out sprays, dust, chemicals or debris entering your eyes from entering through holes in the wall or ceiling.
DIY bathroom plumbing projects can be both enjoyable and rewarding experiences, but it’s essential to know your limitations and when professional assistance should be sought for complex installations or repairs. By following these tips you can safely complete DIY upgrades without incurring property damage or costly repairs in the future.